Do you ever get an idea stuck in your head and you absolutely can’t do anything else until its finished? Late last night I had decided I would create a new plugin, one that will help bloggers, like myself, to remember...
So, I’m not entirely sure when adding a favicon to your site was more than just adding <link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”/favicon.ico” type=”image/x-icon“> within the <head>, but boy have things changed! The hardest thing, even just a year ago, about loading the icon was...
The quick answer to this question is, almost never. Seriously, honestly, well and truly, don’t use Google Image Search when you’re looking for the next perfect image for your personal or business project, be it a blog post, a logo, a...
Image Credits: Pixabay The definition of responsive design is simple. It allows web pages to look well on different devices, irrespective of screen size. As technology has changed, mobile devices are being used more to browse the web. Moreover, a variety...
If you’re a pro-blogger, chances are you’re also an amateur photographer with great photos that you should consider watermarking. You go to events; you take a bucket full of pictures of last night’s lasagna (for me it was handmade perogies, heh;)...
Things You Should Know About Google SEO Starter Guide. Google has continued to prove itself in providing useful and efficient resources to businesses and bloggers. It has successfully kept its number one position as the hub for any info. One...
DMObjects Rising to the Top Tech enthusiasts can now find a plethora of blogs and websites about the fast-growing technological landscape. Amongst all the search results on Google, there are DMObjects. This is a tech-focused blog, created by the agency of...
For over a year now, Facebook has had popular sites, such as Buzzfeed, testing out “Instant Articles”, a new feature for Facebook pages that primarily promote personal writing. If you’re a blogger, trying to promote your own articles/blog posts on your...
10 SEO tools every digital marketer needs. Have you ever wondered why you may seem to be doing awesome digital marketing (or at least you believe it is), but can’t seem to see positive changes in your search engine ranking or...
Image credit: Unsplash The trends in the world of web design have been the subject of constant change over the years. These web design trends are the consequences of technological and cultural changes. 2020 seems to be a canvas of endless...